We have a Maltese/Shih-Tzu mix named Snowball. He was named by our daughter who was a 7 at that time and his name

fit perfectly because he did look like a ball of snow as a puppy. He’s a BIG part of the family, and  we just love him so much.

He’s almost 10 years old and oh how time flies! Despite his name, he does not like the cold and love to snuggle on the sofa or in

bed. He always finds a sunny spot to just chill. Winter or not, he is walked multiple times a day. Here are a few things you

might find useful-


If its really cold, I suggest putting on a warm jacket on your pet. I would also avoid shaving or trimming fur too short if long

haired during winter.  Avoid long hikes, and if you do hike, use booties and watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia.

Avoid walking on ice, ice shards my injure your pet. Vaseline jelly is useful if you need to protect paws if booties are not available.

The pet jacket is useful to keep snow from sticking to his fur, especially his abdomen –  wet fur is not as insulating.

He seems to linger a little more when he is warm and cozy in his jacket!

Once inside,  dry fur as much as possible and wash salt from paws as needed- your floors will thank you! Make sure fireplaces

have screens, and that  space heaters and candles  are not in close proximity to your pet.


So exhausted after that photoshoot…………….





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