Homemade Almond Milk

I love almond milk – the older I get, the more intolerant of dairy I have become; so plant based milk has been a staple for me for oatmeal, smoothies and baking. A few weeks ago, I looked at the ingredient list of my usual brand of almond milk and was appalled at the ingredient list. 10 items. Yes. For almond milk. I decided to make my own and the difference is unreal. So creamy and fresh,  and you can flavor it yourself – vanilla, honey, chocolate, berries – you will think twice about buying it again. All you have to do is soak the almonds overnight, remove skins (optional), blend and strain. Save the pulp for baking. You’re good to go!






  • 1 cup almonds, soaked overnight or soaked for 2 hrs in hot water
  • 4-5 cups water
  • 1 tsp vanilla ( optional )


  1. Rinse soaked almonds under running water (optional to remove skins by rubbing in a clean dish towel)
  2. Add water to almonds and mix in a high speed blender or use an immersion blender until creamy
  3. Strain in clean dish towel over a stainer, a nut milk bag or lékué milk maker with built in stainer as pictured
  4. Add vanilla if desired
  5. Store in an airtight container and use within 5 days, shake well before using
  6. Optional add-ins: cocoa powder 2-3 tbsp, a couple of dates, berries (1/3-1/2 cup), or honey to taste










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